You are what you eat. We’ve all heard that old saying, and it’s so true, particularly in terms of our teeth and gums. Poor nutrition yields unattractive, dysfunctional smiles. But, the right foods foster strong enamel and vibrant gums. What should you eat and drink?

Great Nutrition Tips

Tip #1 Drink eight glasses or more of water a day. People can live longer without food than they can without water. That speaks to how important adequate hydration is. Drinking plenty of water has several dental benefits, including washing tooth surfaces clean and stimulating the production of saliva which has important antibacterial properties. Water also keeps lips, tongue and other soft oral tissues moist, avoiding bad breath. Finally, fluoridated water strengthens tooth enamel.

Tip #2 Limit darkly colored foods and beverages. Coffee, tea, red wine, colas, blueberries, soy sauce and curry are some examples of dietary choices that stain tooth enamel. Also, buffer the acid in tomatoes and citrus by pairing them with milk or hard cheese.

Tip #3 Decrease carbohydrate intake, especially processed sugars and white breads. Substitute whole grain breads and crackers, and of course, water is the best alternative to soda pop and sports drinks.

Tip #4 Eat several servings of fibrous fruits and vegetables a day. High fiber foods scrape tooth surfaces clean of bacteria-filled plaque. Plus, dark, leafy vegetables contain beneficial calcium and Vitamin D for strong enamel and bones.

Tip #5 Consume low-fat dairy products such as skim milk, yogurt and cheese. The calcium strengthens tooth enamel.

Tip #6 Eat lean meats, poultry, eggs and fish for protein beneficial to gum tissue.

Tip #7 Don’t snack continually through the day. This keeps food residues off teeth and gums. Instead, stick to a regular meal schedule, and brush 30 minutes after finishing a meal or snack. If you cannot brush, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Tip #8 Limit alcohol consumption. Studies show that people who drink too much are more prone to gum disease and deadly oral cancer.

Tip #9 Avoid sticky and extra-hard foods such as taffy, caramels and ice. They wreak havoc on tooth enamel and restorations such as crowns, veneers and fillings.